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Occupancy Systems

    Northampton Monroe campus not only has smart students but smart classrooms too! To ensure a comfortable ambiance and the conservation of energy, NCC has connected multiple monitoring devices to an occupancy system which is installed in most classrooms. The system regulates temperature, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. Similar to adjusting the squares on a rubix cube, the occupancy system detects the amount of sunlight entering a room, and adjusts the lights to match a minimum illumination level of 25 foot candles, which is the required amount of light for a comfortable classroom. The system works in a similar way when monitoring both temperature and carbon dioxide. Having these basic and important features connected to the occupancy system effectively decreases NCC's energy use and costs, as well as providing a comfortable setting for students. According to the US. Department of Interior,with the use of an occupancy system, "The CA Energy Commission estimates that typical savings range from 35-45%." In other words, by simply installing occupancy sensors organizations can save 35-45% of energy costs. NCC’s use of LEED technology saves the environment, and it saves money!!

Cesnik, Catherine. "Lighting - Occupancy Sensors." The Greening of the Interior. U.S. Department of the Interior Greening of the Interior, 20 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.


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